Bronze Award – Vault, Bars, Beam & Floor
- straddle over boulder, hold landing for 3 secs
- Video to vault a
- dive roll from trampette onto 2 thick mats
- Video to vault b
- climb to squat on
- stand, reach high bar
- jump to front support
- circle down to chin up in pike
- 3 dish to arch swings
- release on back swing to land
- Video to bar routine
With links and/or dance
- 2 consecutive cartwheels
- handstand forward roll
- backward roll to front support
- Video to floor routine
Without Widener
- squat on
- tuck jump
- arabesque to hold for 3 seconds
- forward roll
- round off dismount/roll down wedge
Silver Award – Vault, Bars, Beam & Floor
- handstand flatback with hands on 2 blue blocks to land on thick mats
- Video to vault a
- dive forward roll from trampette, over orange hexagon onto thick mat
- Video to vault b
- jump from block to squat and stand
- reach high bar, jump to front support
- forward circle down to chin up in pike
- lower to hang, hang half turn x 2
- straddle feet up to bar, 3 straddle swings
- hang dismount
- Video to bar routine
With links and/or dance
- handstand (hold for 3 secs)
- full turn jump
- backward walkover/bridge kickover OR backward roll to handstand
- round off
- Video to floor routine
Without Widener
- straddle on to lever hold
- Y balance
- cartwheel
- handstand
- split leap
- free round off or punch front dismount
Gold Award – Vault, Bars, Beam & Floor
- handspring over 2 blue blocks
- Video to vault a
- front somersault from trampette to thick mats
- Video to vault b
- circle up
- forward circle to chin up
- pike hold
- circle (muscle) up
- cast, back hip circle
- cast to straddle undershoot
- Video to bar routine
With links and/or dance
- handspring or free cartwheel
- forward walkover or controlled handstand, bridge and stand
- Round off flic or standing flic
- Video to floor routine
Without Widener
- straddle on to lever hold
- Y balance
- cartwheel
- handstand
- split leap
- free round off or punch front dismount
Platinum Award – Vault, Bars, Beam & Floor
- roundoff over 2 stack, take off from 2 feet and land on 2 feet AND
- pike front somersault from trampette to thick mats
- High bar
- 3 swings to ¾ giant
- Back hip circle
- straddle undershoot or tuck back away
choose a routine to music to learn from library. (choice of 6 squad routines)to include:
- a roundoff flic
- a handspring OR free cartwheel.
- straddle lever mount
- quarter turn to sit across beam
- shoulder stand
- swing feet behind to needle kick stand
- cat leap, tuck jump
- half turn on single foot
- handstand immediate cartwheel
- punch front somersault dismount